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Tawny's Top 10 Tip's to Stay in Shape

Tawny's Top 10 Tip's to Stay in Shape

Maintaining fitness is hard enough in my everyday life. It takes a ton of self-discipline and dedication.

So as you can imagine maintaining fitness on the road is that much harder, but with a little focus and a few easy hacks, I make it work.

Here are the ten ways I stay in shape while traveling. They’ve definitely helped me and I hope they help you too!

#1. Examine Your Habits


If you are traveling long term ( 1 month or more) examine your habits.

If you find that for that past two weeks you are drinking before noon and eating out for every meal its time to reel it in.

I'm the type of person that loves experiencing everything and its tough to say no but knowing what habits to keep and which to ditch is crucial.

#2. Be Prepared


Having the right gear is important. So making sure to have the proper shoes for training is key.

Having versatile footwear keeps you from injury during workouts.

Nothing is worse than a foot injury while traveling.

#3. Use What You Have

Use your surroundings as a gym and your gear as equipment.

I found places to do pull-ups in every city I traveled through, a tree branch or a low hanging ledge usually did the trick.

Using Jordan’s 60liter backpack as weights for squats was also extremely helpful

#4. Pick A Spot With A View


If your going to do a workout routine, try to find an amazing place to do it.

Doing a workout routine is made 1000 times better when you are doing it in a beautiful unfamiliar place.

#5. Walk!


Walk as much and as often as you can.

It's an excellent way to experience the place you are visiting and burn a few calories while you’re at it.

When walking seems like too much of trek check out the biking options in your location.

Moving about the world without the shelter of a car really opens you up to experience.

#6. Take The Stairs


Go out of your way to give your body a little extra workout.

Take the stairs, or the long way around little actions like this will help maintain your fitness over time.

#7. Plan Physical Activities


Plan activities such as hikes, tours or even something more extreme like scuba diving or surfing.

Planning activities such as these are extremely helpful in attempting to maintain a healthy regimen and a great way to explore nature.

#8. Find A Workout Buddy


Working out is alway better with a friend. They can provide a great source motivation and security.

There is safety in numbers. Especially for us females.

I remember meeting this guy Alex as I was traveling through Peru and he was an excellent work out partner willing to join me on runs walks and park workouts. He was the best!

#9. Keep a Journal


When traveling it is easy for days to blend into each other.

Keeping a workout journal helps you maintain a steady routine and track your progress.

Traveling is about growing  your mind and body.

#10. Stretch


Stretch daily to ensure your body is able to maintain the amount of stress it will be under.

Traveling can be hard on your body.

Planes and Tuk-Tuk rides are uncomfortable enough to begin with. They can also leave your body feeling beaten and sore.

Stretching will relieve your tired muscles and reduce some of your bodies discomfort.

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